Fredrik Mörk
Fredrik Mörk is a consultant with Diversify, Sweden, working mainly within in .NET area. His assignments often contains a mix of being a developer, architect and a mentor. He often works through all of the stack, from the user experience down to the backend. He is also passionate about sharing his knowledge within as well as outside of his team, and is a frequent contributor on

API - the hidden UI
Track: Excellence, wednesday 16:45 - 17:35
Just as the food chain is made out of more actors than the bacteria and the top predator, the software chain contains more than the CPU and the end user. User experience is typically about the end user experience, but we should not forget the developers. This talk will explore the API as a user interface; what makes it more or less user friendly? What difference do things like naming, namespace structure and constructor design make? What if you could make other developers really reuse your code?