Jimmy Nilsson
Jimmy Nilsson is co-founder and CEO of factor10. He has written two books (Applying Domain-Driven Design and Patterns [ADDDP] and .NET Enterprise Design [NED]). He has also been training and speaking at conferences (like OOPSLA, JAOO, Öredev), but above everything else, he is a developer with almost twenty years of experience.

An architecture remake
Track: Architecture, wednesday 11:10 - 12:00
Statoil has recently done a large and complex architecture remake of a business critical application. The overall plan was to go from a situation with a codebase that was really hard, time consuming and riskful to make even small changes to and transform that into a situation with a codebase starting to get in control, and thereby making it smooth to make business driven improvements. In this presentation we’d like to share with you the story including what we learned and the key takeaways, both the happy parts and the tougher parts, both the technical aspects and the people things and more.