Jon Skeet
Jon is a software engineer working in the Mobile team at Google. While his day job primarily involves Java code, Jon is a huge C# enthusiast. His book on the language, “C# in Depth” is now in its second edition. He is probably best known for his contributions to Stack Overflow, the developer Q&A web site – although before Stack Overflow he was a prolific newsgroup poster. Although Jon is employed by Google, his talks are his personal opinions; he is not speaking on behalf of Google.

A less technical talk on technical communication
Track: Excellence, wednesday 14:10 - 15:00
As developers, we spend more time communicating with humans than we do with computers. How can we do that more effectively? How can we be more accurate and concise in our communication? How can we best find analogies which illustrate the desired point? When working with difficult to describe concepts, how can we more easily define them and improve our communication of them? What short and long term benefits can we reap from learning to more effectively communicate? (Yeah, very touchy-feely...)
Async 101
Track: .NET, wednesday 10:00 - 10:50
In this session we will discuss what asynchrony is all about and why we need to use asynchronous calls at all. We'll look at why the existing approaches are messy, and how C# 5 addresses this with async methods. We'll discuss how they're applicable to both server and client code, and take a peek under the covers to see where the magic comes from.