Jörgen Larsson
Current position - Department of Sociology, Universtity of Gothenburg. Past positions - Project leader in public health projects at Tidsverkstaden ek. för. - Consultant in environmental management at Dynamo Ecology - Political secretary for the city council in Gothenburg (50%) - Consultant in environmental economics at EkoEko miljökonsult AB Education and degrees - Doctoral studies in Sociology - Bachelor degree in business administration at the School of Economics in Gothenburg

Get rich, in time
Track: Xtra(ck), thursday 15:40 - 16:30
Sociologist Jörgen Larsson will talk about different dimensions of temporal well-being. The presentation will be based on recent studies of fathers (of whom some are working in the IT-sector) choosing uncommon strategies for living a more fulfilling life. You will get to know what these time-pioneers are doing, what the costs and benefits are of their choices, and whether YOU could do this is you decided to.