Luca Minudel
Extreme Programmer and Lean-Agile Coach, experienced in Scrum, XP and Lean-Agile. Has worked with large and legacy code-bases, complex domains, enterprise level applications. Working in professional software development since 1989. With Agile practices since 2002. During 2006-2009 has contributed to advance the adoption of Agile practices in a leading F1 Racing Team. In a unique context characterized by high levels of pressure, uncertainty, interdependency and rapid unpredictable changes.

Software development in F1: challenges, complexity and struggle for excellence
Track: Excellence, friday 10:00 - 10:50
This experience report is based on more than 3 years of software development in F1 with Scrum, Lean and XP, developing evolving and maintaining software to support the F1 racing team from the vehicle conception and throughout every test and race.Have we survived the challenge? How did we survived? Which team and coding practices emerged? What are the most valuable lessons learned from this experience?