Majk Jakobsen
Majk is Director of Photography on several of Cinemantrix films and commercials including An Affair with Dolls and Another Pea, Another Day.Majk is one of Cinemantrix cinematographers. Majk graduated from Skurups Film School in Sweden in 2004 and has since worked as a cinematographer and first assistant cameraman.Majk has worked with everything from commercials, short films and music videos to television shows. One of the films where Majk was Director of Photography was "Peace Talk" which was the only Swedish film at the Sundance Film Festival in 2007.

Basic beginner tips for better pictures
Track: Xtra(ck), wednesday 16:45 - 17:35
During one hour session you'll get different tips on how to take more interesting and appealing pictures. We start off by learning the basics of how a camera works and how we can use that knowledge to take better och different pictures. After that we'll go through basic tips about light, colors and perspective. Last but not least you'll try to use this new knowledge and take three different pictures and together we'll look at them and I will give some comments.