Nick Harris
Nick Harris is a Technical Evangelist at Microsoft specializing in Windows Azure. Before Microsoft, he founded AdGAC - a mobile advertising company developed using Windows Azure, WP7 and ASP.NET MVC. In the 9 years prior, Nick worked as both a consultant and Senior Software Engineer delivering smart client apps, distributed enterprise apps and airborne software systems. While not working you can find him blogging about Windows Azure along with a diverse range of other related content.

Building Mobile Phone Applications in the Cloud
Track: Smart phone, friday 10:00 - 10:50
Learn how to build mobile applications for Windows Phone 7, iOS, and Android that are backed by scalable cloud components hosted in Windows Azure. This demo-focused session will cover the end-to-end experience and address how to tackle issues such as authentication, storage, and notification using the Windows Azure Toolkit for Windows Phone 7, iOS, and Android.