Per-Olof Hedvall
Per-Olof Hedvall is a researcher in Rehabilitation Engineering and Design at the Department of Design Sciences at Lund University, where he leads the research group CERTEC. His research deals with accessibility and participation. He is particularly interested in new interactive communication media and new forms of augmentative and alternative communication that enable the interaction between children with disabilities and their families. He has also worked extensively on how commercial computer games can be adapted so that people with disabilities can also play them.

Participation in Mixed Reality
Track: User Experience, thursday 11:10 - 12:00
This talk will focus on users with disabilities and their experiences in a more and more mixed reality. Drawing on and showing examples from several projects on games, tangible computing and mobile interaction I will try to pinpoint human and technological factors that can help or hinder users from participating in fun and challenging activities. As part of this, I will also show how we have done to engage children with intellectual disabilities as co-designers in our development and design processes.