Sebastien Lambla

Sebastien Lambla runs Caffeine IT, a .net consultancy / contracting company helping the good people of London adopt new technologies, new processes, new methodologies and in general anything that's new and shiny. Specializing in cutting-edge tools, from REST architectures to occasionally connected rich clients, Sebastien has been developing with .net since 2000, and has a secret love affair with javascript. In his spare time he’s working on OpenRasta, a resource-oriented MVC framework for .NET.



Building ReSTful APIs, and how learning the word hypermedia will make you look smarter


Building ReSTful APIs, and how learning the word hypermedia will make you look smarter

Track: .NET, wednesday 13:00 - 13:50

Hypermedia is the most powerful aspect of the web, a tried and tested technology that lets you link things with other things. This session will start from a poorly designed, RPC-style API and evolve it by introducing links and forms, resulting in decreased coupling, leaner clients and happier users.