Steven 'Doc' List
Steven List (generally known as “Doc”) is the National Agile Evangelist at Neudesic, with a career in software technology spanning three decades. Doc's long-term focus is on the core skills and strategies of management, leadership, team-building, and individual growth, and is an experienced presenter and public speaker, business and agile coach, trainer and workshop leader, and Open Space facilitator.

Development is a game!
Track: Excellence, friday 14:05 - 14:55
Certifications are a mixed bag. Training is sometimes great, sometimes inadequate. How do these things affect you in your career development? In this session we talk about exciting ways to change this - to make learning fun and relevant, to make certifications have meaning, and to create a powerful community.
Pairing is fun!
Track: Collaboration, wednesday 14:10 - 15:00
What is pairing all about? Is it only about writing code or tests, or is it more than that? Come have some fun and learn how to pair without writing code. You might even find yourself laughing and making friends.
Photowalk: learning shooting techniques in Malmö
Track: Xtra(ck), wednesday 15:40 - 16:30
Come for a photowalk and explore Malmö through the viewfinder of your camera. You will learn to see with the eye of the photographer, use the rule of thirds, understand how light and color can be used effectively, and have a shared, fun experience.