Troels Thomsen
Troels has been programming since he was eleven and asked his father for an advice on how to kill time, so even though he dropped out of Computer Science from the University of Copenhagen a year early, he immediately pursued senior engineering and architect roles in Danish startups. He is now involved as a co-founder and technical lead in AppHarbor, a .NET Platform-as-a-Service.

Making your Application Cloud-ready
Track: .NET, thursday 13:00 - 13:50
Do you have a feeling that the applications you write won't run and scale in the cloud? Standard development practices include many vices that make applications cloud-incompatible. Machines fail in the cloud and the local filesystem is not be trusted. A request may be served by any of a group of instances, so even caching session-data in memory is suspect. This session will show you how to take a web application and convert it into a stateless, cloud-ready and super-scalable monster.