Session: Apache Buildr: Build Like You Code!
Wednesday, 14:10 - 15:00
Track: Java
Buildr is a modern build system for Java-based applications including support for Scala, Groovy and a growing number of JVM languages and tools. Buildr combines the expressiveness of the Ruby scripting language with a familiar dependency-based task execution model and project-level structure similar to Apache Maven. This session will introduce Buildr and demonstrate practical solutions to common build problems.
Anyone with interest in build systems and JVM languages. Some experience with build systems such Apache Ant and/or Apache Maven is expected. Familiarity with Ruby language helpful but not expected.
* Learn how Buildr makes writing build scripts easy and fast* Learn how to build multi-lingual (Java, Groovy, Scala, ...) projects* Learn how to customize and extend Buildr for your needs
Alex Boisvert
Alex is a software architect/engineer at Bizo and an open-source enthusiast. He is the creator of Stopwatch (Scala performance metrics library), co-creator of the JDBM project (Java embedded key-value store), maintainer of the Simplistic project (Scala SimpleDB bindings), committer and PMC Chair of Apache Buildr (Ruby-based build system for JVM languages, including Java, Scala, Groovy and Clojure) and currently working on his next project called "Revolute" -- a Scala-based query language for Apache Hadoop.