Alex Boisvert
Alex is a software architect/engineer at Bizo and an open-source enthusiast. He is the creator of Stopwatch (Scala performance metrics library), co-creator of the JDBM project (Java embedded key-value store), maintainer of the Simplistic project (Scala SimpleDB bindings), committer and PMC Chair of Apache Buildr (Ruby-based build system for JVM languages, including Java, Scala, Groovy and Clojure) and currently working on his next project called "Revolute" -- a Scala-based query language for Apache Hadoop.

Apache Buildr: Build Like You Code!
Track: Java, wednesday 14:10 - 15:00
Buildr is a modern build system for Java-based applications including support for Scala, Groovy and a growing number of JVM languages and tools. Buildr combines the expressiveness of the Ruby scripting language with a familiar dependency-based task execution model and project-level structure similar to Apache Maven. This session will introduce Buildr and demonstrate practical solutions to common build problems.