Session: Event Sourcing explained
Thursday, 11:10 - 12:00
Track: Architecture
Your business wants to use data from your application, but in a way that you didn't anticipate from the beginning. Now what do you do? If you are using EventSourcing, you're in luck, and this session will describe how this technique can help you deal with these types of situations, and more.
Previous experience with DDD and CQRS is recommended.
Understanding of what EventSourcing is, what you can do with it, and how it can be implemented.
Rickard Öberg
Rickard has worked on several OpenSource projects that involve J2EE development, such as JBoss, XDoclet and WebWork. He has also been the principal architect of the SiteVision CMS/portal platform, where he used AOP as the foundation. Now he works for Jayway, and is interested in how to develop domain-oriented software that is well adapted for the new wave of Internet-centered applications.