Session: Ruby On Rails

Wednesday, 14:10 - 15:00
Track: Web

Rails is a web application development framework written in the Ruby language. It is designed to make programming web applications easier by making assumptions about what every developer needs. It allows you to write less code while accomplishing more. The latest version of Rails introduced, among other things, the asset pipeline. It's a way to concatenate and minify or compress JavaScript and CSS assets. Now, Rails does not only come ready for development, it comes ready for production.



Yehuda Katz

Yehuda Katz is a member of the SproutCore, Ruby on Rails and jQuery Core Teams. Daytime, he works as an architect at Strobe. Yehuda is the co-author of the best-selling jQuery in Action, the upcoming Rails 3 in Action, and is a contributor to Ruby in Practice. He spends most of his time hacking on open source or traveling the world doing evangelism work. He blogs at and can be found on Twitter as @wycats.

Yehuda Katz
