Emil Kvarnhammar
Emil Kvarnhammar is specialized in mobile platforms, with focus on security and MDM (Mobile Device Management). He has been involved in the development of many different mobile products and hardware related software components. A recent example is as Lead Engineer for the development and optimization of PlayStation™ emulation in Xperia™ Play, at Sony Ericsson in Silicon Valley. Today he is doing security analysis, vulnerability testing and development of mobile software at TrueSec. He also holds courses and seminars about secure application development and MDM.

How hackers attack your smartphones and tablets
Track: Smart phone, friday 13:00 - 13:50
This live-demo session will show actual examples of how attackers could gain full control over your smartphone or tablet; enabling them to steal sensitive data, use it as audio recording device for eavesdropping, or remote-control your device to send SMS messages, place phone calls, and much more. The demos will also show why such attacks are likely to be left undetected by antivirus products, and that the malware could even remain after a factory reset or firmware update. Users as well as IT managers are getting more and more concerned about protecting their assets on mobile devices, and I will talk about several built-in security mechanisms that could improve the overall security if configured correctly