Heiko Seeberger
Heiko Seeberger is the Director Professional Services at Typesafe. He has been a Scala enthusiast ever since he came to know this beautiful language in 2008. He has more than ten years of professional expertise in consulting and software development on the Java platform, actively contributes to Scala community projects and regularly shares his expertise in articles and talks.

Scala in Action
Track: Java, wednesday 15:40 - 16:30
You don't yet speak Scala? Then let us invite you to a journey on which we will explore the outstanding features of this programming language for the Java Virtual Machine.
Fast Track to Scala
Track: Java, monday - all day
This two-day course, designed by Martin Odersky, the creator of the Scala programming language, and Heiko Seeberger, a recognized Scala expert, will give you an excellent grounding in Scala.It is intended to enable developers or development managers, who are experienced programmers in Java or other production languages like C++, C# or Ruby, to confidently start programming in Scala. No previous knowledge of Scala is assumed.