David Evans
David Evans is an independent consultant and agile coach with over 22 years of IT experience. A thought-leader in the field of agile testing, he has trained and consulted on this topic for clients in the UK, Ireland, Sweden, Germany, Australia, South Africa and Singapore. A regular speaker at events and conferences across Europe, David has also had several papers published in IT journals. He currently lives and works in the UK.

Time Off For Good Behaviour: Getting the Most Out of Your BDD Tests
Track: Test, friday 14:05 - 14:55
To get the most out of Behaviour Driven Development (BDD), you need much more than a tool.You need high value specifications.How do we get the most out of our specification and test writing effort? How do we turn vague business-speak into testable scenarios? These and other questions will be addressed in this talk in which we take a practical approach using real-world examples.
What Testers and Developers Can Learn From Each Other
Track: Excellence, wednesday 15:40 - 16:30
The rise of cross-functional agile teams has helped to bring a greater sense of collaboration and mutual respect between developers and testers. But many teams still struggle with the basic issues. What is the role of the tester in an agile team? How many testers do we need? What does a team gain from having professional testers? Perhaps there is another way to approach these questions.